Welcome to the Year 6 class page!
We are a class of 16 children. Our teachers are Mrs Sanderson and Mrs Rao and our teaching assistant is Mrs Norman.
Key Information:
End of year performance:
In preparation for the end of year performance the children will need to practice a range of songs and dances as well as their own character's line. Below are some links to help.
Keep checking back here for updates and pictures of our work!
Spring Term
We have enjoyed learning about the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons this term. We learned all about their boats and looked at weaponry and even made our own Anglo-Saxon oat cakes.
Last years adventures
Vocabulary is a key focus this year. We will be doing lots of searching and investigating new words throughout the year to improve our language skills and understanding and writing skills.
Here we worked as a table group to organise adjectives into positive and negative language and used a dictionary to define any unfamiliar words.
Fruit tasting
As part of our topic 'The rainforest' we have been trying lots of different fruits that grow in the rainforest. Some of the fruit we were already familiar with but others were new to us including the persimmon fruit. See Earwig for more pictures of this session.
We spent the first part of the half term at home in lockdown. We continued our studies looking at WWII and multiplication in math. We completed lessons on zoom and held some fun live game sessions where we could see our friends.
We have been super busy on our return to school, we have made our own Anderson Shelters and spitfires, learned all about our emotions during our wellness sessions and discussed things we can do when feeling anxious. In Science we have been looking at forces; we have designed our own t-shirt with positive affirmations for Red Nose Day and have created acrostic poems and blurbs in English - all in four weeks!
Parents can see a more thorough look at our activities on Earwig but below is a quick snapshot of some of the above activities.
Bike Ability
The children have enjoyed learning about the rules of the road and how to stay safe on their bikes. Thank you to our trainers from cyclewise who have taken us out around our village.
Reading is so important to children as it allows them to develop in so many areas - reading skills; listening skills; social skills; developing an imagination and writing skills to name a few. Please try to encourage your child to read as much as possible. Below are some questions to help you when listening and reading to your child.
Useful resources:
Websites which require logins (these will have been sent home with your child but please email if you have lost these)
Free to use website (some may require you to sign up)