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DistingtonCommunity School

Empower, Learn, Celebrate


DCS Curriculum


The aim of our school is to provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, successful learners with high aspirations who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. There is a high focus on developing children’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding. We ensure that children are well prepared for life in modern Britain.


As a school we provide a highly inclusive environment where learners can enjoy their education and make very good progress in subjects and areas of learning. Pupils at all levels are helped to achieve their potential. Those who are most able are challenged and supported through appropriate challenging activities. Those who may struggle are encouraged and given targeted support to embed skills, to develop at their own pace or simply to learn in a style that best suits their individual needs. We encourage children to take ownership of their learning and development and develop strategies for working independently and collaboratively. As well as promoting all of these values we ensure that children are fully aware of how to keep themselves safe and what and who to talk to if they need to.


Our focus on curriculum development is always carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression. It provides pupils with memorable experiences, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop a range of transferable skills. The children's own community, its heritage and traditions are frequently used as a starting point for engaging interest. A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, and providing a purpose and relevance for learning.


Subject leaders play an important part in the success of the curriculum by leading a regular programme of monitoring, evaluation and review. The innovative practice across the school provides a strong foundation and opportunities for children to work in teams and develop social skills both indoors and out. This curriculum design ensures that the needs of individual and small groups of children can be met within the environment of high quality first wave teaching, supported by targeted, rapid and proven interventions where appropriate. In this way it can be seen to impact in a very positive way on pupil outcomes. Enjoyment of the curriculum promotes achievement, confidence and good behaviour. Children feel safe to try new things. High quality visits and visitors into school enhance the curriculum and provide opportunities for writing for a purpose.


You can also visit the Learning section of our website or our class pages to see some curriculum examples and view our Distington Community School Facebook page.


Parents can also keep up to date with current classroom activities via Earwig and Class Dojo. If you would like any further information related to our curriculum then please contact school and a member of staff will be happy to help you. 


All parents and carers have the right to withdraw their children from part or all of our RE lessons. If this is something you wish to do please contact school. 

Music Development Plan

Curriculum Maps 


If you would like any further information regarding the curriculum at Distington Community School then please see any member of staff who will be happy to help you. 

See below for more information about topics taught per Year group/class.

Class Timetables

Please click on each class below to view each classes timetable.

Remote Education


At Distington Community School we follow the Read, Write, Inc phonics programme. All children from Reception to Year 1 follow the programme to develop their phonics knowledge. We also use the programme to support children who require additional phonics support throughout years 2 - 6. 


Parents can find addition information and support by following the link below.



Reading Scheme

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader has become an integral part of our reading curriculum here at DCS. The basic principles of the program are that a student reads a book, takes an online quiz, and gets immediate feedback. Students are able to respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills.


Accelerated Reader creates a comprehensive set of reports that reveal how much a student has been reading, at what level of complexity, and how well they have understood what they have read. Vocabulary growth and literacy skills are also measured, giving an insight into how well students have responded to reading schemes and class instruction.


There are over 27,000 reading practice quizzes available on books from over 300 publishers and imprints. Accelerated Reader ensures that there are plenty of books to interest every reader available on the programme. 


Strive for Five

Here at Distington Community School, we love to read! Every week we try our very best to read at least five times a week to an adult. If we manage to do this, then we achieve our weekly Strive for Five goal. At the end of each half term all the children who achieve their Strive for Five goal receive a special reward. 


Things we must remember:

  • We must bring our book bag bags into school every day so that our books can be changed.
  • We must get our reading records signed by an adult every time we read.
  • Parents and Carers are trying their best to help question us to ensure we understand what we have read.


Learning Links 

All children have individual logins to the programs listed below. If you have lost or forgotten your child's login please see their class teacher. 


Education City

An online activity based program. Each child will be able to access a range of games/ activities tailored to the topics they are studying in class. The activities are designed to be enjoyable and allow children to gain a broader understanding of various areas of the curriculum. 


Times Tables Rock Star

Please note only children in Key Stage 1 and 2 have a login for this program.

An online game program which allows children to practice their times tables. Children get to create their own Rock star character and compete against other children to see who can answer each question in the fastest time. Each child's learning will be different depending on what level times table they are studying in class. 



An online programme which supports children in the development of their handwriting and letter formation. This programme is accessible to all ages from Nursery to Year 6. It allows the children to refine their handwriting skills and practice these in a fun, interactive manner. Each child has received a log in to access this site at home. 



Parents Zone

Information to support parents and children's learning with the new Computing Curriculum. This site also has helpful hints and tips linked to E-Safety.
