Welcome to Year 2!
We are a class of 21 children. Our teacher is Miss Savage and our teaching assistant is Mrs Askew.
Mr Barnes teaches us every Wednesday morning and Mrs Sanderson every Wednesday afternoon.
If you require any further information or queries, please contact me via Class Dojo or using my email: l.savage@distington-comm.cumbria.sch.uk.
Key Information:
Take a look at our Spring newsletter below for a brief taster of what we expect throughout the Spring term and a brief overview of the curriculum.
You can also take a look at our Autumn newsletter attached below.
Take a look at our Curriculum Map below- this highlights the key topics/ texts we will be exploring throughout each of the terms.
Strive for Five!
In Year 2, we are all 'Reading Rockets'. We aim to read at least 5 times per week and are rewarded for our efforts with raffle tickets. These are entered into a weekly draw and children can win some brilliant prizes!
Your child will bring home 2 reading books. One banded levelled book and one Accelerated Reading book. Accelerated Reading books are used to help develop your child's comprehension skills and your child will sit regular (informal) online 'tests' to assess their understanding of the story.
SATs in Year 2
At the end of Year 2, children take SATs in:
These will take place in May 2023.
The reading test for Year 2 pupils is made up of two separate papers:
Each paper is worth 50 per cent of the marks, and should take around 30 minutes, but children are not strictly timed, as the tests are not intended to assess children’s ability to work at speed. The texts in the reading papers cover a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, and get progressively more difficult towards the end of the test.
Teachers have the option to stop the test at any point that they feel is appropriate for a particular child.
Children taking Key Stage 1 SATs may also sit two separate papers in grammar, spelling and punctuation:
The Key Stage 1 maths test is made up of two papers:
Children are not allowed to use any tools such as calculators or number lines.
Teacher assessments are used to build up a picture of your child’s learning and achievements. In addition, your child will receive an overall result saying whether they have achieved the required standard in the tests (your child's actual results won't be communicated to you unless you ask for them).
We will be holding a Parent's Meeting to discuss the deliverance of our KS1 SATs and how you can support your child further, closer to the time.