Welcome to Years 5 and 6
We are a class of 19 children. Our teacher is Miss Johnston and our teaching assistant is Miss McKenna.
If you require any further information or queries, please contact me via Class Dojo or using my email: r.johnston@distington-comm.cumbria.sch.uk.
Key Information:
Our Curriculum
We learn through a creative curriculum and we have lots of exciting, purposeful opportunities that allow us to develop and grow through memorable, fun activities. Our Learning Challenge topic for this half term is: Why is the Rainforest important?
Please have a look through our curriculum map (below). This outlines our core topics for the year.
We will keep you updated with your child's learning throughout the year via. Earwig, Class DOJO and parents meetings.
Exploring and replicating the art of Henri Rousseau.
As part of our topic, the children looked at the famous artist Henri Rousseau. They focused on his rainforest settings and created their own piece of art using water coloured paints.
We are now part of the Cumbria Mini Police programme!
The Mini police is a fun and innovative police engagement programme and we are extremely lucky to be offered this opportunity at Distington Community school. The objective is to provide a fun and interactive way to introduce children to a positive experience of policing and to get them involved in the local community. This week, we had to plan a presentation on Halloween and Bonfire night safety which we will present to the whole school.
Speed guns
The Years 5 and 6 mini police have been looking at road safety this half term. They enjoyed using the speed gun in their local community and sent out official police letters to people who were caught driving over the speed limit. Keep up the hard work Distington Mini Police!
Visit to Whitehaven Police station
The Year 5 and 6 mini police had a fantastic morning at Whitehaven Police station. They handled police equipment, had a tour of the cells and custody department and had a seat in the back of a Police van!