Parents/Carers should contact school as soon as they know their child will be absent that day.
Contact should be made by 9am.
01946 830526
School has an answer phone so messages can be left.
Distington Community School
First-Day Contacting Procedure
(School’s safeguarding response to children missing education)
Where a child is absent from school and we have not received any verbal or written communication from the parent/carer then we initiate a first day contact procedure.
The decision to visit a child’s home must always be discussed/agreed beforehand with the head or a member of the SLT. On occasion, it may be necessary to contact the police instead of visiting the home due to staff safety.
Please note: The process is the same for the collection of children at 3.15pm (Nursery-11.45am). If the child is not collected and no contact is made by 3.45pm (Nursery 12.15pm) then two members of staff will visit the child’s address. If we still have no contact police will be informed.