Welcome to Years 5 and 6
We are a class of 26 children and our teacher is Miss Johnston. Our teaching assistant is Miss Murray.
If you require any further information or queries, please contact Miss Johnston via Class Dojo.
Key Information:
Our Curriculum
Please have a look through our curriculum map (below). This outlines our core topics for the year.
We will keep you updated with your child's learning throughout the year via. Earwig, Class DOJO and parents meetings.
We learn through a creative curriculum and we have lots of exciting, purposeful activities that allow us to develop and grow through memorable, fun activities.
Our Learning Challenge topic for Autumn 1 is: What was it like to live in Victorian Britain?
Years 5 and 6 Mini Police
What a fantastic start for the Years 5 and 6 Distington Mini police! The children are ready to be introduced to a positive experience of policing and become involved in their local community. We have an exciting year ahead!