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DistingtonCommunity School

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Reading at DCS

Children take part in focused phonics lessons at least four times a week. The duration of these lessons increases as the children develop their knowledge and understanding.  As a school we begin our reading journey by following the Jolly Phonics programme in nursery and continuing further using Read Write Inc. Children’s progress is closely monitored and assess and learning is adapted to meet the individual needs of children. Phonics is also evident in the learning environment and is a fundamental aspect of the wider curriculum.


For Reception and Year 1, children are grouped into ability groups and are taught targeted Read Write Inc phonics tailored to the children’s needs. Each child takes part in regular whole class shared reading sessions with staff. As part of these sessions’ children are taught valuable reading skills to enable them to understand and unpick texts in a variety of ways. With a strong emphasis on applying phonics skills and knowledge. Children who require additional phonics supports are targeted through interventions. This includes children in Year 2 – 6 who require additional support.


All children who access our phonics sessions have reading books that are closely matched to their current phonics knowledge and sounds they have been learning in school.  All other children are given a banded reading book, which closely matches their ability, to share and enjoy with adults at home. Children are also given an Accelerated Reader book when ready. These books are to be read at home and when children return to school they are given an Accelerated Reader quiz which is completed and marked online. These quizzes intend to test children’s comprehension skills.


We expect children to read each evening at home with their families and to make comments in the reading record books. All parents are aware of their children’s targets and are encouraged to write their comments linked to these. Reading at home is closely monitored and parents are supported. All children and parents are aiming for to read or engage in a reading activity at home 5 time a week as part of our whole school Strive for 5 challenge.


High level quality texts are shared in each class and reading for pleasure is heavily promoted. Children have opportunities to select high quality texts to take home and read for pleasure as well as attending reading clubs. Rewards and celebrations of children’s reading takes place in each class and as a whole school.

All children are set age appropriate targets and challenges within their reading that help promote not only academic progression but a love for reading. These targets and challenges help to deepen each child’s knowledge and understanding of different genres.


Key vocabulary is identified at every opportunity and children are encouraged to use this in the wider curriculum.  Staff have regular training and ongoing support to ensure the teaching of reading is of a high quality.


A strong reading culture is implemented at DCS where children are supported, nurtured and celebrated.


Story Time at DCS


At Distington Community School, we dedicate 15 minutes of daily Story Time in each year group- this does not include Stories read in our English and Guided Reading lessons. 

Our range of story books and poems aim to expose children to a diverse range of reading material from various authors exploring a range of fictional and non- fictional concepts.


Our Story Time Aims:

- Social Opportunities

- Reading & Listening Skills

- Inspired Minds

- A Comfortable Environment


Story Time Challenges:

Stories may frequently contain some language structures and vocabulary that are beyond children's current level of attainment

Reading Progression of Skills and Knowledge Documents 2024/2025

Reading around school...


We developed lots of beautiful reading nooks around school, allowing opportunities for children to cosy up, relax and read a book in our inviting spaces. Along with lots of dedicated reading spaces, we have reading incentives to help promote reading in school as well as home.

Author visits!


Meeting an author, illustrator, poet or storyteller in real life or virtually and hearing them convey their passion for their work can fundamentally alter a child or young person’s relationship to books and ignite a life-long love of reading.

At Distington Community School, we have had the pleasure of welcoming Andy Tooze (The Poet from the Peaks) into school this academic year. Andy delivered dynamic, interactive sessions for all of our classes which involved speaking, listening, reading, writing and drama. He was a huge inspiration for our budding poets in school!

In the upcoming term, we will also be welcoming a local author, Helen Haraldsen, into school. Helen will openly speak to our children about the ups and downs of her own writing career, raising aspirations and allowing our children to realise that achieving their own goals is always possible!

DCS Pre-loved Book Swap


Due to the success of our World Book Day, book swap, we have decided to make it a permanent fixture of our school!


Our 'Pre-Loved Book Swap' is a dedicated space for children of any year group to drop off any pre-loved, unwanted books and swap it for another of their choice. This book is for them to read and enjoy! We have lots of regular visitors to our pre-loved book swap area, always on the look out for their favourite authors and seeing what the shop has to offer.

Our new library 2024


We have been very busy in school redecorating our library to create a calming, inviting and child-friendly reading nook.


Reading is at the heart of everything we do at DCS and we place reading for pleasure as a high priority. Our new reading nook will give children the opportunity to explore a wide range of books that will foster their creativity, enhance their reading abilities and transport them to a new world.



Reading Mural 2024


We're proud to reveal our new reading mural wall that frames our reading scheme book area.


A huge thank you to @beardysynergy for our amazing piece of art that pulls together many elements of our children's favourite stories at DCS.


Accelerated Reader


Accelerated Reader has become an integral part of our reading curriculum here at DCS. The basic principles of the program are that a student reads a book, takes an online quiz, and gets immediate feedback. Students are able to respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills.


Accelerated Reader creates a comprehensive set of reports that reveal how much a student has been reading, at what level of complexity, and how well they have understood what they have read. Vocabulary growth and literacy skills are also measured, giving an insight into how well students have responded to reading schemes and class instruction.


There are over 27,000 reading practice quizzes available on books from over 300 publishers and imprints. Accelerated Reader ensures that there are plenty of books to interest every reader available on the program. 

Chapter One


At DCS, we use the online reading platform of Chapter One. This is currently used in years 1, 2 and 3. Chapter One works with corporate partners to sponsor their staff as online reading volunteers. Each adult offers a child weekly reading support for a whole academic year, using their bespoke platform.


Every week, for 30 minutes, our reading pairs enjoy stories and activities together linked carefully to each individual child's reading ability. Over time, this 1:1 support helps transform each child’s reading confidence and ability.


To find out more, please follow the link...


Chapter One UK | It all starts with literacy


We came third place in the Chapter One Outstanding School Award 2024!


Whitehaven Library Visit


The Reception children visited Whitehaven Library for a story session where they all enjoyed listening to the story of 'Dog Loves Books' by L.Yates, which was read to them by the librarian. They were all given the opportunity to explore the children's reading area where they could choose a book and enjoy sitting in the different book nooks to leisurely enjoy their chosen stories. Finally each child chose one book to take home with them and they each received their own library card so they can visit any of the Cumberland libraries with their parents to borrow more books. We hope this inspires the children in Reception to return to the library soon to continue their early reading journey.

Strive for 5! 


Strive for 5 is our half termly reading challenge. Children are encouraged to engage in a reading activity at home at least five times per week. Children who can achieve this every week of a half term receive a special certificate and a brand new book. 

Reading Raffle


Each time a child engages in a reading activity at home they receive a raffle ticket that is entered into our weekly reading raffle. The more a child reads at home, the more tickets they can earn. Each week the lucky winner can choose a prize to keep. 

West Cumbria look for a book!


The children had a fantastic afternoon hiding books around the village. Our aim was to encourage others to find, read and re-hide them. Thank you to everyone who brought books into school! If you find one, please remember to post your photos on #westcumbrialookforabook
