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DistingtonCommunity School

Empower, Learn, Celebrate

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

We are a class of 13 children (8 girls and 5 boys.) 


Our teacher Mr Bragg.

Miss Heaton will be teaching our class on Tuesday mornings.


We also have Miss Hall (our TA) working with us during the afternoons.


If you require any further information or queries, please contact Mr Bragg via Class Dojo or contact the school office.

Key Information:

  • Our PE days are every Monday and Thursday this half term. Children must wear their school PE kit and trainers for school on these days. Please ensure that children do not wear jewellery (including earrings) on days when they have PE. 
  • Snack money will be £1 per week and can be given to Mr Bragg when the children come into school on Monday morning.
  • Read five times a week to gain your Strive for Five target. Children receive a raffle ticket each time they read at home, which is entered into our weekly reading raffle! There are lots of exciting prizes to be won.
  • Our weekly spellings will be shared on Class Dojo each week. Please could you support your child by helping them to practice these in preparation for our informal spelling test which will take place on Friday each week. 

Our Curriculum


The Year 3 curriculum has been developed to be creative, engaging and purposeful for the children meeting the needs of our class. It allows us to develop and grow through memorable and fun activities.  A wide range of experiences, which involve visitors and educational visits will be used to further bring the curriculum to life for everyone.


Our curriculum map can be found below, this outlines out plan for the year. We will share our experiences and keep you updated with your child's learning throughout the year via. Earwig, Class DOJO and parents meetings. 

Our Learning Challenge topic for Autumn 1 is: Did the Stone Age rock?


In this history topic, we will learn what the terms 'pre-historic' and 'pre-history means, understand how we know what happened in the past, explore the life of people living during the Stone Age, identify the changes that took place during the Stone Age, Bronze Age and the Iron Age, investigate the wonder of Stonehenge and discuss how the events during this time may have contributed to the world we live in today.  


PE - Fitness and Fundamental Skills

(Distance Running and Skipping.)

Year 3 - School Council Voting.

Year 3 have been learning about democracy and voted for their class councilors in a secret ballot today. Each child voted for a boy and girl to join our school council.

Representing numbers up to 1,000.

During our maths lessons we have been representing the value of each digit in numbers up to 1,000 (3-digit numbers.) They have identified the value of each digit, the hundreds, tens and ones and have represented this using a place value charts and they have practically represented the numbers using hundreds, tens and ones equipment.

Cave drawing/painting.


As an introduction (hook) to our topic looking at the Stone Age we have begun to explore some examples of cave drawings/paintings discovered from this period in history. We identified some of the animals and themes included in these and explored the colours that were used. The children then created some of their own cave drawings collaboratively on a large piece of brown paper using oil pastels, this has been used to create the background to our class displays.
