Home Page

DistingtonCommunity School

Empower, Learn, Celebrate

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4's Class Page!


We are a class of 22 children. We are very lucky to have lots of adults working with us in year 4.


Our teachers are Miss Savage and Miss Heaton. Miss Savage is our class teacher every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Miss Heaton is our class teacher every Thursday and Friday.


Our wonderful senior teaching assistant is Mrs Askew.



If you require any further information or queries, please contact Miss Savage and Miss Heaton via Class Dojo.


Key Information:

  • Our PE days are every Tuesday and Friday. 
  • Read five times a week to gain your Strive for Five target. Children receive a raffle ticket each time they read at home which they sign and enter into our weekly reading raffle! There are lots of exciting prizes to be won.


Our Curriculum


Please have a look through our curriculum map (below). This outlines our core topics for the year. 

We will keep you updated with your child's learning throughout the year via. Earwig, Class DOJO and parents meetings. 


We learn through a creative curriculum and we have lots of exciting, purposeful activities that allow us to develop and grow through memorable, fun activities.


Our Learning Challenge topic for Autumn 1 is: How do rivers and mountains change our world?


In this fascinating topic, we will learn what mountains, rivers and coasts actually are, some of the forces that help create and shape these important features, and the effects they have on the world around them.


We will explore the climates, human interactions, and lifestyles shaped by the mountains, rivers and coasts of the world.


Strive 4 Five!

In Year 4, we are all 'Reading Rockets'. We aim to read at least 5 times per week and are rewarded for our efforts with raffle tickets. These are entered into a weekly draw and children can win some brilliant prizes! 

Year 4 children will bring home 2 reading books. One book will directly match their current reading ability, and the other an Accelerated Reading book. Accelerated Reading books are used to help develop your child's comprehension skills and your child will sit regular (informal) online 'quizzes' to assess their comprehension of the story. 


Earwig and Class DOJO

Please access your child's Earwig and class DOJO page regularly for updates on, and photos capturing, their year 4 learning journey. 

If you have difficulty in accessing either of these, please let Miss Savage or the school office know and we will help you with this. 
