Dear Year 4 parents and children,
We hope that everyone has enjoyed their Easter break and are ready for the summer term. Children are once again adapting to the return to school and are working with great enthusiasm, we have a number of fantastic topics and activities awaiting us this term and are very much looking forward to term ahead.
We understand that we are still living through unprecedented times, we will still be working within our class bubbles until government advice changes. However, Mrs Crichton and myself would like to reassure every one that we are working hard to support the children with their learning and to make the remainder of this school year as exciting and enjoyable for the children as possible. To see what we have been getting up to take a look at the pictures below.
In Year 4 we are a class of 17 children, our teacher is Mr Bragg and our senior teaching assistant is Mrs Crichton.
If you need to contact me, please call the school office, send me a message on Class Dojo or email me using my school email address seen below, between 9am and 3pm.
My email address is -
Many thanks
Mr Bragg
Key Information:
Reading - 'Strive for Five':
During the Summer Term, we will be having weekly music lessons delivered by specialist music teacher Russell Burbush. For these sessions Year 3 and Year 4 children will be working together. The children have been learning about beat and tempo and have been practising this using percussion instruments.
In Science Year 4 are continuing to learn about the three different states if matter: solids, liquids and gases. We have been acting out what happens to the particles in each of these different states, before observing how materials such as ice and chocolate can change state.
You are probable aware from the set home learning activities during the spring term that our topic was The Ancient Egyptians. Following our return to school the children have all been working to create their own Egyptian pharaoh mask.
The children started by attaching a mask to some cardboard to create the shape of the mask, they attached a tube/cup to the chin and worked with great care to cover all of their mask with 3 layers of paper mache.
Children then planned the designs for their mask before painting their mask using the recognisable colours of gold and blue.
For Mother's day, the children in Year 4 made personalised bags for their mothers. They drew out their designs, which included things that their mams particularly liked or enjoyed, before painting these on to the bag and adding finer details using fabric pens.
Well done to all of the children who completed a 'Book in a Box' for our World Book Day competition and brought these into school following the recent lockdown.