Home Page

DistingtonCommunity School

Empower, Learn, Celebrate


Welcome to Reception's class page!

Key Information


We are a class of 16 children. Our teacher is Mrs Benson and our teaching assistants are Mrs Boyd & Miss Cannon. 


  • Our P.E days are Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please bring your child to school already in their P.E kit.
  • Snack is £1 per week or can be paid upfront for the half term. 
  • School meals are to be ordered on the school hub website. 

  • Please make sure that your child brings their book bag to school every day.

  • Read at least five times a week to gain Strive for Five. (See further down the page for more details).


Useful Information


- Achievement assembly. Each Friday a child will be selected as our Star of the Week and Class Dojo Champion. If this is your child, please remember that they may come in to school the following Friday in non-uniform.


Useful documents and links


As parents you may find these documents useful when assisting your child's development at home. The curriculum map outlines each of the topics which we will be covering over the school year and the newsletters look at the half termly topics, including any additional information on what will be happening in school.

Roald Dahl Day


The children have enjoyed celebrating Roald Dahl's birthday today, learning about some of his most popular stories through sensory activities. They enjoyed mark making in chocolate to represent the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, took the dirt out of Mr Twits disgusting beard using tongs and tweezers, created Fantastic Mr Fox masks and designed and threaded dream catchers to represent The BFG.

Read Write Inc.


We have daily Read Write Inc. sessions, streaming Reception and Year 1. Each session gives the children the opportunity to practise saying each sound and segment words with their focused sound in, reading the sounds aloud to blend words back together. Our lessons include lots of modelling and repetition, helping the children to recognise their focused sounds in the environment and to support them when using their letter/sound representations in their writing. When writing, we support the children using Read Write Inc. letter formation rhymes.

Below is a chart, which will help your child to form their letters at home.


Alongside our phonics lessons, we enjoy playing different phonics games to help consolidate the children's learning. Some of our favourite online games can be found on Phonics Play and Phonics Bloom. Please use the links below to access these websites so your child can enjoy playing games at home too.

Strive for 5


To achieve Strive for 5 at the end of the half term, your child must read at home 5 times per week for a full half term. If they achieve this, they will receive a prize on the final day of half term. Each time your child reads, please record this in their reading record. 

Below is an image of the 'Strive for 5' display in the Reception classroom. Each of the children are runners and their aim is to run from the start point to checkpoint 5, at the top of the mountain, each week. Each checkpoint marks off how many times the children have read each week. The children love to check how well they are doing each day and understand that if they are at checkpoint 2, they need to read 3 more times to get to the top. At the beginning of each week, the children go back to the starting point and begin their weekly reading journey again. 

Mastery Maths


In Reception we follow White Rose Maths. This programme of study allows children to learn practically while utilising the learning environment. We build upon core principles that allow children to progress their mathematical skills throughout the year. Creating a mathematically rich learning environment also provides children with opportunities to develop, practice and consolidate their skills in different contexts and using different media. 


We also use Numberblocks to support the cementing of newly learned numeracy areas- all of these videos can be accessed for free on BBC iPlayer. Please use the link below to access them at home.


Alongside our maths lessons, the children enjoy playing different maths game. Some of these games can be found online on Top Marks. Please use the link below to access these.
