Home Page

DistingtonCommunity School

Empower, Learn, Celebrate

EYFS - Nursery

Welcome to Nursery's class page!

(Please see the bottom of this page for information relating to starting school and enrolling. We offer places for 30 free hours!)

Key Information


We are a class of 15 children and 1 rising three child..


Miss Quarry is our Nursery Manager and Miss Cannon is our Teaching Assistant.


  • Morning sessions begin at 8.45am and end at 11.45am. If your child is staying for wraparound, they will be picked up at 3.15pm
  • Children are required to 'read' (retell) the story in their reading books 5 times a week at home to reach 'strive for five'. They will be read with at school at least once a week, (if they are ready we will change their reading book.) 
  • PE will take place every Thursday morning. Children are to come to school already changed for PE. If your child is in wrap around/30 free hours, they will also have PE with Reception on a Tuesday afternoon.
  • Please feel free to bring a spare set of clothes. This will be put on their peg.
  • Snack money can be paid ahead termly as to minimise transactions. (£1 per week). We ask that this is brought into school in a labelled envelope.
  • Lunch can be booked daily (Please find the link below). For a lunch login please contact or call school 01946 830526. Lunch must be ordered by 9.30am on the morning that they require it.
  • Class Dojo: Most information and letters will be shared via Class Dojo. You can download Dojo as an app or use the desktop version. (Please find a link to this in the 'Useful links' below.)
  • Children will gain Dojo points for reading, hard work, kindness e.t.c. We will have a Dojo champion each week. This child will get a certificate and be able to come to school in non-uniform the following week.
  • Wraparound: Wraparound sessions are avaliable for Nursey children. These cost £10 per session. Children that attend wraparound can be picked up at 3.15pm. Wraparound sessions must be booked by 1pm on Friday for the following week to secure the slot.
  • ‘Rising threes’- When your child reaches 3 they may be able to attend sessions before their intake, on a wraparound basis. Please contact school if you are interested in using the ‘Rising-threes’ facility. Sessions are priced at £10 per session, (not including lunch, yet this is available at £1.60). Current ‘rising-threes’ sessions are from 8.45am-11.45am. 



Here are some useful links:


School Hub- School Hub


Uniform orders-  Haig Embroidery school uniforms 


30 free hours (are you eligible)-


Applying for Nursery- School Admissions - Applying for a nursery place | Cumberland Council

Phonics and letter formation


As you all my know we use two different schemes when learning phonics and letter formation. We use Jolly Phonics to learn the letter sound. (This is the sound that the letter makes not the name of the letter.) We then use Read Write Inc. to form our letter sounds.

Below we have added some useful links and resources when helping your child with their phonics and letter formation.

Jolly phonics actions.

Read Write Inc. formation

Reading/sharing stories

It is really important to share stories at home. This helps with speech and comprehension. Whether this be looking through story books and retelling the story in their own words, using a range of different questioning or reading simple CVC words or recognising sounds and sign in the environment. 

Oxford reading owl is a great resource to find online texts that the children can explore. With a FREE ebook library and advice and support for parents and educational activities and games.

 Please use the link below. 

Applying for Nursery...when can your child start school?

Is your child or a child that you know eligible? :



Children born between 1 April 2021 and 31 August 2021 can receive their free 15 hours a week from September 2024.


Children born between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021 can receive their free 15 hours a week from April 2024.


Children born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2021 can receive their free 15 hours a week from September 2024.


Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 December 2021 can receive their free 15 hours a week from January 2025.


Children born between 1 January 2022 and 31 March 2022 can receive their free 15 hours a week from April 2025.


Children born between 1 April 2022 and 31 August 2022 can receive their free 15 hours a week from September 2025.



Children applying for Nursery will have a home visit. Home visits enable children and Nursery to meet staff and parents are able to fill in forms and ask any questions they may have. Additionally children will be able to access transition sessions in the Nursery class. This is also in order to help to to get settled into the class. These will take place the term before the child is due to start Nursery.


*You can collect a welcome packs and application forms from the school office.

Please see below for a application form that you can fill in/print out at home.

If you would like to know more about Nursery, please get in contact school on 01946 830526.)

You can also download application forms here: 

School Admissions - Applying for a nursery place | Cumberland Council 


If you think that your child is close to starting school age and have any questions, please do not hesitate in contacting me.


  Miss Quarry


